Now, we dig into the dank, sick depths of our minds to
bring forth...things with lotsa TEETH, mostly! In
general the scary fx and characters we create are confined
to the feature film arena. Some of the stuff is visceral,
but you'll note a hint of fun in some of them, too. Need
someone to do your blood-soaked low-budget slasher film?
Here's the yellow pages. At TCS , we're not interested in
gore for gore's sake, or gratuitous violence. Exploring dark
themes or a good old-fashioned scare, while delivering the
same kind of creativity and quality as we do with our other
work, is what's up our dark alley.
What's New | Features
| Commercials | Resume
| Realistic | Whimsical
| Scary | Animatronics
| Prosthetics | Puppets
| Waldo® | Publicity
| TCS Fun | FX
FAQ | Reference | Feedback Except where noted, all contents
are the property of The Character Shop, Inc. and copyright
Select any photo to view a larger version.
For 20th Century Fox's THE SANDLOT, TCS created
various versions and insert pieces of a fantastically
oversized roman mastiff to play the "Beast".
For a Coca-Cola spot shown during the
Academy Awards, and directed by Richard Donner. The Alien
features moving tendrils, cowl, tongue, jaw, lips, brows,
and eyes.
Also featured on an episode of the Discovery Channel's
Movie Magic.
Puppet created, shot, but ultimately cut from a film called
THE UNHOLY. (Rush right out to your local video store
and rent anything but The Unholy!) Featured
cable WaldoÆ controlled arms,
servo-operated head movement.
Created by David Sosalla, Rick Lazzarini, and Mike Sorenson
at Apogee, Inc.
Created at Boss Film for a Showscan Chevrolet spot, a cable
controlled alien creature with animatronic eyes, neck, head,
snout, and "neemie-neemie" movements.
Mechanical design and supervision by Rick Lazzarini,
Cosmetic Design by Screaming Mad George.
Prosthetic Freddy Krueger appliance, womb set, and
animatronic fetus created for NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET
That's Rick in the Freddy makeup!
A decapitated, mummified head, featured in a great, big
close-up in GHOSTBUSTERS II.
Sculpted at TCS by Adam Jones, now guitarist (and music
video director for the band "TOOL".
Theater Ghost from GHOSTBUSTERS II.
Rod operated wings, limbs, and tail. Featured animatronic
jaw and (six!) brow movements, controlled by TCS' Facial
Weird tortured baby-dog head. Worn by a Rottweiler dog for
Frog Ghost made for GHOSTBUSTERS II.
Featured animatronic mouth, eye, and brow movements,
controlled by TCS' Facial
WaldoÆ. Tongue and arms controlled by the poor
fool inside!
Shot for, but not included in the final film. Ivan Reitman
claimed it wasn't "scary" enough!