Puppets Puppet: A replica of
a human, animal, creature, or other character, made to move and
"brought to life" by a puppeteer's manipulations. Here at TCS, puppetry plays an enormous part in bringing
our characters to life. Virtually all of our creations employ some
form of puppetry, from the highest-tech Waldo®-controlled animatronic puppet to low-tech non-animatronic Handpuppets. At their simplest, Puppets are performed with a hand directly inside a character's head. Add limb movements, and you'll need rods. Add facial expressions, and you'll need radio controlled or cable animatronic mechanisms. Need a full body movement and locomottion? Then you'll probably need a Bunraku technique, where the operator is directly behind the puppet (as used in our Plato and Perdue Muscle Chicken, and Collector characters) wearing a green, blue, black, or red suit, and eliminated in post production. (Clicking links will take you to a larger version or a page detailing the work) Apple iMac Ad: Foster Farms Chickens: Wilson Golf Ball Gopher: Collector bunraku puppet: Sarah Jessica Parker Witch puppet: Duracell boxers: Interestingly, these puppets became the center of debate
between the producers who commissioned them and SAG, the Screen
Actor's Guild, which represents puppeteers (remember: puppeteers
are actors, too!) The producers tried to avoid having to pay residuals,
and would not agree that these were puppets, trying to call them
"electronic action props." They pointed to an outdated language in
the SAG/Producer's agreement, which defined puppets as being operated
by "hand, rod, stick, or string." An arbitration took place in which
a demonstration proved, despite the existence of electronic
gimmickry, that the puppets were indeed manipulated by a puppeteer's
hand movements. The arbitrator found in favor of SAG and the puppeteers,
opening the language of the agreement to embrace new forms of technology
that enable puppetry. Horse Puppet: Theater Ghost: Budweiser frogs: The human hand will always provide the most dexterous, direct form of puppet movement - whenever we can use a person's hand to manipulate a movement or expression, we'll do it. But some creatures are too small to accommodate a human hand, or there are too many functions for a single hand to operate; in which case we use cable or radio-controlled mechanisms. Other creatures are very large, and human hands may not have the power to move the puppet at all. In these cases we use powerful electric linear actuators, air or hydraulic cylinders, or giant servos. These complex systems also require sophisticated control interfaces, such as the Waldo® or other telemetry-based devices. But in all cases, our most important consideration is not the technique, but the performance. That's the only thing the audience will see, after all. (It's only here that you can get a glimpse behind the scenes!) What's New | Features | Commercials | Resume | Realistic | Whimsical | Scary | Animatronics | Prosthetics | Puppets | Waldo ® | Publicity | TCS Fun | FX FAQ | Reference | Contact Us Except where noted, all contents are the property of The Character Shop, Inc. and copyright 1995-2006
Gus is the new spokesanimal for the Pennsylvania Lottery, and PA lottery ticket sales shot up from $16 million a month to $22 million after Gus' campaign debuted! He's a sophisticated animatronic rod puppet. He has a foam body and a synthetic fur covering, but underneath he's like the Terminator, with machined aluminum joints, servomechanisms, and cables of steel!
only two weeks, The Character Shop produced two working iMac “puppets”. The
first was servo and cable operated, and allowed for complete remote operation.
This served for wider, establishing shots. However, for closer shots, another
rod operated iMac puppet, which featured smoother motions, was used.. The
new iMac is revolutionary in that it allows a tremendous range of freedom
in positioning the screen, thanks to a jointed arm that, while chromed and
massive, works in much the same manner as a Luxo lamp does. Lazzarini and
crew took advantage of this range of motion, and for dramatic purposes,
“kicked it up a notch”.
These characters are puppets in their purest form. They
are completely hand-manipulated; no mechanics, no animatronics.
No eye blinks, no brow moves. Their characters are created
solely by the interplay, control, and stamina of two puppeteers
apiece. It is a real test of a puppeteer's drive and acting abilities
that they endure cramped working spaces, stifling heat, and strained
and sore muscles, and yet still deliver charming, endearing, memorable
performances. The driver's head is controlled by Drew
Massey, its wings by Tony Rupprecht. The passenger chicken's head
is performed by Terri Hardin, the wings by Rick Lazzarini.
Here's an example of a puppet operated primarily by
hand, with some simple animatronic enhancements. This puppet has
eyes which move from side to side and blinking eyelids,
which are actuated by a simple two-finger cable pull. The puppets
arms can be controlled either by fingers on the interior, or for
greater range of movement, via exterior rods.
Ironically, the
new technology of "painting out" extraneous imagery via computer
graphics allows us to operate many of our puppets the old-fashioned
way - via directly linked exterior rods. Rods provide the ultimate
control over the puppet - easily superior to cable or mechanically
operated characters - and the rods (and even puppeteers!)
are simply "erased" from the final film. (See the description
of our "collector" puppets below.) It's the most effective and
powerful form of puppetry I can think of.
This alien, created at Boss Films for a Chevrolet
commercial, is a bunraku puppet. Bunraku is a Japanese form
or puppetry wherein the puppeteer, draped in black, has his head
and hands attached to a seated puppet, resulting in eerily lifelike
movements that mimic the puppeteer's own. The direct analogy of movement,
from head to head, from hand to hand, with nothing lost in the translation,
is what makes this form of puppetry so believable. We took it to
the extreme with this puppet, linking the puppeteer's head,
chest, waist, arms, and feet to the corresponding puppet body
parts. The result is a large-scale creature with very natural movements,
capable, seemingly, of walking on its own. Wearing black velvet
suits allowed the puppeteers to be "matted out" of the shots. Once
the puppeteer is "erased", the audience is left to wonder, "how
did they do that?" It is not stop motion, it's not a man-in-a-suit,
it's not CGI. It is a completely unique and fabulous way of bringing
a character to life.
Here's an example of a completely rod-operated puppet.
A likeness of the actress was painstakingly recreated in oil
clay, molded in dental stone, and cast in foam latex. An internal
mechanism (see Animatronics page)
allowed this puppet to be passively jointed at the waist, neck, shoulders,
elbows, and wrists. With a rigid pylon holding the puppets up, it
was manipulated via rods out the front of the broom and top of the
head. Extremely detailed miniature costume work completed the puppet.
The rods (and puppeteers) were removed via computer by Buena
Vista Visual Effects, and composited into the final shots
during the post-production process.
These puppets were servo-driven, potentiometer controlled
puppets, with animatronic movements of their heads, waists,
and punching arms.
Created for Disney's "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken."
When a shot was needed of a horse leaping forty feet and the ASPCA
said "no way" to a real horse doing the stunt, this puppet
was commissioned. This is an example of a completely cable-driven
puppet, with an animatronic skeleton and foam latex covering. Moving
axes included the riders head and body, with passive joints at the
wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The horse's animatronic movements
included head, neck, and 4 axes in each leg, for a total of 26 points
of movement. A vertical and horizontal trolley system was used
to "drop" the puppet into its fall, while a team of five
puppeteers raced the horse's legs in a frantic rhythm.
Advances in the
technical end of human/machine puppet interfaces have led to
the possibility for "electronic puppetry". The same devices we
use in real-time control of our animatronic puppets have been,
and are used, to send data to high-powered computers, which take
the movement data collected by a Waldo®
and update the movements of completely computer-generated
images This concept is called performance capture and
animation, and it may be used to simple capture key frames, or
entire real-time sequences of animation.
The Theater Ghost, created for "Ghostbusters II", is
a hybrid puppet. It combined Facial
Waldo®controlled, servo-actuated head, jaw, and brow movements,
with rod-operated wings, arms, and tail. As with the Collector alien,
puppeteers wore black suits and were composited out of the shots.
Yeah, the Bud Frogs again.
Foam latex skins with R/C animatronic movements of their eyes
(side to side), fully closing blinks, mouth, smile, throat
bloat, and side breathing. Rod operated movements of body and front
feet. Just the simple addition of a slot to enable a foot to pick
up and shift position makes a world of difference in such a creature's
believability. These required three puppeteers each to fully bring
them to life. A good example of state-of-the-art animatronic puppetry.
Regardless of the
technology used, the most important thing we keep in mind
when delivering a creature to set is the believability of its
performance. The individual or team assigned to one of our puppets
is made aware that it's an acting job they are required to do.
They must be passionate, they must "get into" that character,
as any actor would, no matter if it's a chicken, robot, monster,
or alien. Our goal is to make the technology as transparent as
possible, keeping the number of obstacles between the performer's
manipulation and a life-like performance to a minimum.
What results, with the help of the director, cameraman,
and editor, is that we have created our illusion properly.
We weave our spell, the audience falls into a willing suspension
of disbelief, and we have "brought to life" a new character.
Super Mario:One of the world's first "electronic
puppets". Using a custom designed TCS Facial
Waldo® and a suite of proprietary hard- and software,
SimGraphics Corp. created this real-time animatable Super Mario character
for use in Nintendo kiosks and commercials worldwide.
(See our Waldo® page for more
exciting developments in this area.)
Photographs and text may only be re-published with written permission. All rights reserved.