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![]() The BEST in
Animatronic Animals, Puppets, Robots, Creatures and
Characters! Like our website? Like us on Facebook! Recent Updates:
RIP Chazmo; his Candle Burned Half as Long, but Twice as Bright
TCS creates amazing Exoskeletal Legs for Netflix' "Yes Day." TCS
scores TOUCHDOWNS for
Super Bowl 2020 Reese's Take 5 Ad for McGarry/Bowen and
Dummy TCS makes turtle
tortoise turtles tortoises! Are we not turtle-y enough
for you? TCS creates Star
Wars Porgs…for charity org Magic Wheelchair! TCS pranks passersby with an Animatronic Gnomeo for a Paramount Promotion!
The Character Shop creates Animatronic Donkeys for a popular Chicago Restaurant Chain! ![]()
The Character Shop created an adolescent Dragon trio from "Game of Thrones" for SD Comic-Con '17 ![]()
TCS keeps things moving with our MRI
Medical Robot... Things are going swimmingly for TCS and our Travel Oregon Salmon... TCS makes the Holidays Happy for Best Buy! Check out the cool Puppets we created!... AGAIN with the Green Sliming!!? TCS makes a creature for Geico that kind of...grows on you!... WHO YOU GONNA CALL? The Character Shop! We created a Slimer (or two!) for the new "Ghostbusters"... ![]() TCS creates an incredible, 10 foot tall, friendly Interactive Robot for SXSW... ![]() TCS crafted a strangely beautiful animatronic head for Steven Spielberg and CBS...
TCS designs and installs an insanely awesome Rube Goldberg Machine for MTV's Fantasy Factory! TCS
creates an incredible Kinetic
Display at the Washington Nationals Park in
D.C.! TCS kicks
some BOT!
As in authentic bomb retrieval robot! Recently used on
NBC's "State of Afairs"!
Diddly Dad-gum Doggone it! TCS done it again! They created a pair of realistic dog tails for anXfinity spot! Did someone call for a Robotic Overlord? How about a Robot Butler, instead? Something fishy is going on in Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare. And TCS is to blame! The Foster Imposters have been making you laugh, buy chicken for 20 years, now! Add one cup of 'Shrooms to the Stuffing Recipe for a Trippy Thanksgiving! One Cougar iss Sexay. TWO Cougars iss verry, VERRAY Sexay!!
Your friend is fo' realz! He ain't no Dummy! Does a Full Moon drive a person crazy? Maybe!Mind your Momigus if you know what's good for you! A Blast from the Past! Rick Lazzarini and his work on "Spaceballs" Yes, we also do some Rentals. Check out what we have to Rent! The traffic getting to work? Ecch... but once in the building, not bad! How many Surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb? Yep, you guessed it: "Dream..." TCS supplies a Sleepy Speaking Sheep for Corona Light: TCS teams up with Mark Rappaport to bring a Possum to life for Geico!: TCS creates a crazy, cheesy animatronic goat for Capital One!: TCS creates an AWESOME thrashing Animatronic Alligator: TCS' "stuffed" poodle "Buttons" makes an appearance in a Capital One Ad! Hey, do you guys remember that time there was this viral video that was totally NSFW and had a Newlywed couple and the hungry bride eating candy on their honeymoon? We just recently worked with those guys (Cousins!) on *another* viral spot. It was so emotional! So much boviolence on TV. Won't someone think of the calves?!< You've heard of Cow Tipping. Can Rob Dyrdek do a Bull Flipping? Meet the latest addition to the TCS Menagerie: a (fake!) Stuffed Poodle! Must we always hurt the one we love? If it means tacos tonight, then yes. He's Sassy. He's Orange. He's the official Spokespuppet for the 2012 Ford Focus! (and he's gone MISSING!) "Napoleon Dynamite" Director Jared Hess chooses TCS and our Puma for Toyota spot! Rick Lazzarini and The Character Shop create a kick-ass, giant, animatronic Raven for a new Old Spice ad featuring Ray Lewis! Have a look at what it takes to create a gigantic, ridable Raven!
TCS triumphs with another breathtaking, huge project... TCS creates a beautiful 20 foot tall marionette for Mayflower Moving See more of our incredible large scale and overscale work!: We've made a special page dedicated to the different ways of making Hand Puppets! Check out a silly Renuzit Ad featuring a little TCS magic! What? Chickens again? Well, they can be quite delicious... Feel free to browse through our movies files directory! 17 feet of smoke-breathing, eyelash-batting, goo-goo eyed goodness... TCS creates Giant Dragon for Broadway Smash Hit "Shrek The Musical"! TCS also creates a Menagerie of Puppets for "Shrek The Musical" TCS' Gus the Groundhog gets an upgrade, celebrates his 40th PA Lottery spot! A recent Art Commission: Big Baby:
Got a big
set of shoes to fill? Call TCS!
Is there an Herbal Supplement to cure bad planning? Doubt it! TCS helps create another Giant work of Art: Rick Lazzarini and TCS create the first Animatronics Study Program of its kind! See the Animatronics Institute website at: http://www.animatronicsinstitute.com for the latest info. Animated, puppeteered, walking, hopping, "Annoying Fees" for a Time Warner Cable ad... Gus the Groundhog gets a 2.0 makeover, shoots his 28th Commercial spot, and helps the PA Lottery break records by helping contribute to over $1 BILLION in increased lottery ticket sales over the past 3 years! (updates coming soon!) Dancing
Chimps for an Arby's spot ( update
coming soon!) A unique "Steampunk" action prop for Barry Sonnenfelds' new Warner Bros. TV Series "Pushing Up Daisies"... TCS creates a set of Grim Reaper hands for a hilarious Time Warner Cable spot... Have you seen the Arby's ad with the cat stuck in the wallpaper? Yep, we did it! Click the link to see just how much is involved in creating such a seemingly simple effect. Oh, the details, the details!< A realistic
catfish for a Visa Print Ad! A Water Buffalo battering ram for Bud Lite... A devious rattesnake gag for the Jimmy Kimmel show. Rick plays the snake's "handler": Played as a joke during the show, it's taken off on the Intertoobz and become a bona-fide urban legend!: http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/kimmelsnake.asp A
chipmunk for a ComCast spot:
Realistic animatronic slithering reptiles SNAKES ON A PLANE! (more updates coming soon!) We
created the incredibly popular "Foster
Imposters" 13 years ago. After
a 2 year hiatus, The Foster Farms
Chickens are BACK! And a strange little marionette named "Fash" for Old Navy: ... Goofy animatronic chicken puppets for Perdue Chicken...A Pinocchio suit and animatronic head for DiGiorno Pizza......a wisecracking Ventriloquist Dummy for Sprint...A Chimp hand and Tiger tail for an Aussie Bank ad...More Gus the Groundhog Pennsylvania Lottery spots (we just shot the 19th one!)...Did you know that TCS did the character design for the pesky flies "Buzz" and "Scuzz" for the movie "Racing Stripes"?...A rare look at a Robot Dog that never made it to air...A retrospective page, looking at the work Rick did on Jim Cameron's "ALIENS"...We've also updated our Feature Films and Commercials pages!
The Character Shop is an award-winning special effects company that excels in animatronic animals, puppets, robotics, and makeup effects,. We are well-known for our innovative, believable, dependable, and high quality work. We have worked on many feature films, including 5 Year Engagement, Pirates of the Caribbean IV, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Snakes on a Plane, Aliens vs Predator, Willard, Sweet Home Alabama, Dr. Dolittle 2, Dude, Where's my Car?, Mimic, Escape from L.A., Operation Dumbo Drop, Outbreak, Hook, and The Santa Clause. We've been profiled on national T.V. many times, making appearances on Letterman, Movie Magic, Entertainment Tonight, American Journal, Inside Edition, E!, and others.
You've probably seen our work many times, and may have been curious as to who created some of those characters and creatures. Maybe you're simply interested in how those darn special effects work. Hopefully, you're a producer who has a decent budget for your upcoming project, yet still wants the highest value possible while looking for that secret weapon: a facility that gives the same or better quality as the high-priced shops, but with faster delivery, better service, and a dramatic cost difference. Well,
you've come to
the right
place. Enjoy!
Character Shop
Valley, CA
(805) 306-9441 (805) 306-9444 FAX email:lazzwaldo (at) mac.com ![]() ![]() A
note about
rentals and
"off the
shelf" items:
get many calls
per day asking
if we have a
certain animal
or creature
existing". TCS
is primarily
geared toward
Most of the
characters we
create are
designs and
their imagery
is proprietary
to the Clients
them; some are
mascots whose
re-use would
dilute their
impact. Also,
the functions
in our
puppets are
specific to
the spot they
were built
for; the sheep
that sits on a
chair isn't
likely to work
for the shaved
sheep that
goes running
into the
pasture! If
we've got a
picture on
this site or
in one of our
ads, it's
the work we've
done in the
past, and the
range we're
capable of; it
mean we've got
that item "in
stock", and
ready to go. However,
some of the
animals we
create are
more generic,
so hopefully
there's a
chance that we
can help out
your project,
whether it's a
custom build
or otherwise!
What's New | Features |Commercials | Resume | Realistic | Whimsical | Scary | Animatronics | Prosthetics | Puppets | Waldo ¨ | Publicity | TCS Fun | FX FAQ | Reference | Like us on Facebook! | Contact Us Except
where noted,
all contents
are the
property of
The Character
Shop, Inc. and
1995-2019 |